Thursday 20 September 2012

Ishka celebrating her Second Birthday 2012

I got lots of new toys for my birthday 

This rabbit is my favourite, I take it to bed with me because it is soft and cuddley

I like them all

Which one shall I play with now?

I decided to get them all out, Jean will put them away before she goes to bed

Saturday 15 September 2012

Ishka's first Birthday

The following photos have been provided by Julie, Ishka's puppy walker. It is Ishka's second birthday to-day and these photos were taken on Ishka's first birthday.



This is one of my birthday presents. A rubbery squeaky hippo that grunts.Don’t know if it will be my favourite toy.

This smells strange. It tastes funny too. Take note! My paws are wet, well sort of! 


 This is much better. Something proper to chew on. I wasn’t that keen on the plastic door wedge I found unattended one evening when they put me to bed. Still it was funny to keep the puppy parents guessing for a few days as to what I had chewed up. They thought it was a piece of coal from the fire ha! no this was easier, it was left in my room.


14th September 2011. It’s my 1st birthday. The sun is out and the sand feels great beneath my paws. There’s nobody around so Ramsey dog beach is all mine.  “Is it me you want? I’m coming.”




Tuesday 11 September 2012

Seven weeks old

4th November 2010  This was taken on the day of arrival at seven weeks old and weighed 3.3kg. My first bed is a vegetable box with pillow to lie on  and a borrowed fluffy vet bed blanket

My guide dog supervisor  brought along  a crocheted blanket for me to lie on when visiting cafes. These blankets  are made by a lady volunteer and does them for all the new pups.
Here is my first rag toy, tiger. It didn't take long before all the knots were undone and the twisted limbs became soggy and tatty. But I loved it just as much and was always a favourite.

My puppy parents bought me this new rug to sit, lie and play on in the TV lounge. How cute am I?

Too young to walk outside prior to vaccinations. Safe and snug in the holdall. I do  go visiting shops, my mum carried me on buses as well.
Not allowed on the grass yet, but boy it looks exciting!

30th November 2010. A touch of frost. I think I'm going to like this white stuff. I am now weighing in at a whole 7.2 kg, growing fast!
Photographs from Julie, Ishka's puppy walker